For the vast majority of us, we’ve been so effectively partisan skewered within our respective tribal allegiances, we no longer possess any legitimate form of self-reflection. We can see quite clearly how the other tribe is utterly insane, but what we rarely understand is that from their perspective, from the other side of the looking glass, we look just as looney tunes as they do. And believe me, they’re thinking the exact same thing about us that we are about them: how on earth can they not tell that they’ve gone stark raving mad?

It is possible however to detach yourself from this deliberately engineered, “divide and conquer” ideological duopoly, but it involves a terrible encounter with the shadow self, a sober, rational examination of one’s deepest fears, primal emotions and our most fundamental narrative assumptions. The process is extraordinarily difficult, agonizing, painful, ego-shattering and profoundly humbling.

But if you survive the process, and can thus liberate your consciousness from the indoctrinated, pre-fabricated ideological distortions we’ve been bombarded with our entire lives, then congratulations. You are now legitimately insane.

I’m not sure what to tell you about this episode. It’s about nothing and everything all at the same time. It’s also two and half hours long so if you do manage to make it to the end, please send me an email about what you think it’s about and I’ll update this description accordingly.

Slooshy well my brave and intrepid psychonauts…..

Slooshy well.


p.s. Click the cloud symbol on the right of the title in the media player to download the MP3 to your device. If you experience any issues with the player, refresh the page or access the episode directly from The Vault.