Ladies and Gentlemen,

The moment has arrived. For your listening endurement, allow me to present the thrilling conclusion of The Conformity Culture Vultures.

Trigger Warning: Various portions of this episode have been scientifically proven to induce paralyzing bouts of extreme cognitive dissonance in Milgram Muppets, Jabber Wankers, Muzzle Monkeys and Trembling Gibbles. If you suffer from any of these afflictions, I strongly urge you to stay glued to your telescreens with your mouths wide open, nodding your head in unison to the endlessly contradictory syllables spat out by the man on TV, the only Doctor that ever mattered, the only Doctor you ever need to hear from (the only Doctor you’re ever allowed to hear from) and the very embodiment of The Science ™ itself, the one, the only, Dr. Anthony Fauci (No, he’s not a Batman villain, he’s an actual real person! I promise).

So break out the Rebel Yell, the Ginger Beer and don’t forget to scrub your limes!

Slooshy well my little Droogies….

Slooshy well.

— Stuart F. Andrews

p.s. Click the cloud symbol on the right of the title in the media player to download the MP3 to your device. If you experience any issues with the player, refresh the page or access the episode directly from The Vault.